The Ski Club was formed in 1969 by a group of enthusiastic amateur skiers to promote the sport recreationally, and to create a community for members to gather and go on group holidays, to gain experience and to meet socially on a regular basis.
The Club is based in the South Yorkshire region of the United Kingdom but we have members all over the UK and abroad.
The club is run by a committee which is elected each year. The Committee meet regularly to look after the memberships’ interests, arrange group ski holidays, social events etc. We welcome new members, Beginners, Intermediates, Expert or Non-Skiers alike.


We were very fortunate in the late 40’s and 50’s/60’s because winters were usually very snowy. Our equipment was very basic; the skis were usually government surplus ex-army skis, solid hard wood, no metal edges and very poorly designed bindings; once you were in the binding you stayed in them, no safety aspect at all. Our ski sticks were lengths of cane with cane baskets the size of dinner plates on the end. The boots we wore in the beginning were our climbing boots with a groove cut into the heel to allow the strap of the binding to hold. Later we were able to buy leather ski boots. As time went on, interest in skiing grew; the first ski tow that I remember in the area was a farmer’s tractor jacked up off the ground and the wheel of the tractor was used as the driving power for the tow rope. A couple of years later a proper ski tow appeared. A group of skiing enthusiasts approached an engineering friend and asked if he could convert a mini car engine to a ski tow, which he did. In payment for his work we, the group, laid a new concrete drive at his home.

The interest in skiing in our area grew and grew, most of the local skiing was done at Ringinglow or on the Snake Pass. One day a few skiers were talking in Tanky’s ski and climbing shop in High Court, and discussed the possibility of forming a ski club.

A small group met in the basement of Tanky’s shop and decided to go ahead with the idea; it was advertised in the shop and a few other people turned up at a meeting at the West End Hotel. Naturally we wanted the club to be called The Sheffield Ski Club, but a certain person stated that he had already formed The Sheffield Ski Club although it appeared to be memberless. However, as this first official meeting was in the borough of Hallam, we should call the club The Hallamshire Ski Club. Shortly after it’s formation all our social meetings were held at various venues but for a long time at the Norfolk Arms at Ringinglow.

In the following years , the committee, on behalf of the club arranged regular bus trips to the Cairngorms mostly organised by Dennis Coath. We would be picked up on Friday evening, stay in a hotel in Kingussie, the bus would then take us up to the slopes throughout the weekend and arrive back in Sheffield at around 4/5am Monday morning if we were lucky and the bus didn’t break down as it frequently did, either on the outward or return journey.

Another ski tow arrived on the scene – it was bought by Bryan Stokes (Tanky) and was portable which enable it to be used in many parts of Derbyshire mainly up the snake pass, when the snow had gone from Ringinglow. The mini ski tow was later donated to the Hallamshire Ski Club where it remained at Ringinglow for many years, in fact, it was only dismantled in December 2008.

Due to the devotion of the committee and members, the Hallamshire Ski Club is now a most successful club.

A Concise History of The Hallamshire Ski Club

By Clair Helm (nee Stokes)

Since deciding that The Club history should be recorded I have witnessed several conversations about how it started, where it started and most controversial, who was there!!!

There have been many dates quoted ranging from 1966-1968, venues named as The Mail Coach Inn, The West End and the unofficial meetings at the basement of Tanky’s shop on High Court. As for the names that may or may not have been present, I couldn’t possibly comment, as I was still  just a twinkle in Tanky’s eye!!!

The 7th November 1968 saw the first Open Meeting held at The Mail Coach Inn, West Street. However, other sources have said that prior to this (possibly as early as 1966) several friends met in the basement of Tanky’s shop in High Court. Names mentioned were Mick Allen, Pete Jennings, Albert Hattersley, Tom Ferguson and Sheila Stokes.

young Clair Stokes

All of the above got together whilst skiing in Derbyshire, at places such as Ringinglow and Edale (yes, there used to be snow in them there ‘ills!!). Apparently, ‘they all just used to turn up!’. The harder ones use to travel 2 ½ hours to get to Appleby on a Sunday morning to ski at Dun Fell for the day. The weather was ‘horrid!!’ – high winds, snow, mist and ice – Perfect!! I believe that back then, to get to the top of the slope, they used to walk up, carrying their ‘tackle’ (Heaven forbid!!). The first tow was a home built modification of a mini engine!! The funds of which were raised by donations from the members!! That was until Tanky ‘acquired’ a Bimbo tow from Brighams, the basis on which all subsequent tows were built.

So back to the meetings…..
Several meeting places were frequented, including The West End Hotel and The Hallamshire Tennis Club. Certainly during the late 1970’s The Club met at the back of The Rising Sun, Abbey Lane, at the Castle Climbing Club building, because I remember that!! I believe that The Club began meeting at The Norfolk Arms as a regular event around 1985 onwards, as we had become too big!!

Sheila Stokes
Founder club member

Returning back to the early days, many of The Club traditions have stuck through the years.

Opening Night has always been near the beginning of November. Unfortunately, in (2001) we have had to break traditional slightly by moving it to Tuesday night. The Christmas Noggin seems to be quite a traditional meeting time also. I believe that it has grown to the current ‘get together’ over the past few years from members getting together to exchange Christmas cards. Lastly the AGM was first held 9 th May 1969 at The Norfolk Arms and I am pleased to say that this is still the same (second Wednesday of May).

One of my learnings whilst researching the history was how it became the ‘Hallamshire’ Ski Club. Way back in 1966 (67 or 68), there was already a Sheffield Ski Club – whatever happened to them I do not know! As the meeting area (and presumably skiing area) was the Hallamshire area, I suppose this is how it became to be named!!

Local skiing certainly was the ‘birth’ of The Club, however it was not long before members were travelling further afield. In 1969 The Club travelled (by bus) to the Cairngorms for their first ‘Scottish Experience’. I’ve heard many stories of these Scottish trips that followed and it would be fantastic to see this tradition be restored, but I think we are all spoiled by the European sunshine and the European beer!! The first foreign ski holidays were organised by Tanky and Sheila, although neither of them can agree on the first destination, the nearest is Austria!!

Soon after members were enticed into travelling further afield by the extensive (no sorry, expensive!) Alpine resorts. No long standing club member will forgot ‘Dennis’s Trips’. As a child the most exciting part was the coach trip. Of course having smaller bums and shorter legs myself and my junior travellers were perfectly happy, however, I do now sympathise with the ‘grown ups’ who did not have the privileges of more modern coach transport!!. I understand that the gins were a necessity!!

In more recent years The Club holidays have become more civilised and there are several and variable trips organised by members. From what I hear, they have become more and more popular.

Believe it or not, many a day and night have been spent at Ringinglow playing on the white stuff. Alas, this has unfortunately not been in recent times but ask any ‘established member’ and they will reminisce the times with great enthusiasm. They were the times when knees weren’t quite so sore (and the Sheffield Ski Village wasn’t built!). In 1986 I can witness skiing for several weeks, it must have been up to April. It all culminated with a fancy dress day, supported by Welwyn’s Chilli Pot and I think there might have been a bit of Gluhwein involved too. I can fondly recall a hula girl (no sorry, I think it was as a ‘Savage’, mum?), Superman (Dennis?) and someone in their underwear (????!!!!) Enough said!!! We skied, honest!!

Over the past years The Hallamshire Ski Club has seen its membership start from a handful of enthusiastic skiers, reaching a peak around 1986 of 400 hundred, to an average of approximately 25 presently.

Tankey Stokes - founder member

Whos Who

Sheila Stokes

Founder club member

I first skied when I was 25’ish, in lace boots and wooden skis with cable bindings, which never worked. My first ski holiday was Aviemore, Scotland. We were also in tents and it was like an endurance test (I’ve never recovered). I’ve been on many ski holidays to various resorts, and even skied at Ringinglow. I haven’t a best holiday, they are all good. My best apres ski was Sauze D’Oulx, Italy. The funniest thing that I saw was a pair of skis with boots, no feet in them, sliding down the slope at Westendorf.

I have been the Club Secretary for many. many years but decided to retire (2020) as Club Secretary.
My ski ambition is always to enjoy it and qualify for a free lift pass.
Sad to say Sheila passed away December 2021. She was an active member and helped to run the club and encourage members to participate in club activities.
She will be greatly missed,
Welwyn D’Roza

Tony Marples – Chairman

Sophie Barton – Vice Chair

John Hebditch – Secretary

Janet D’Roza – Treasurer

Roger Horner – Membership Secretary

Jane Parker – Committee Member

Tom Moore – Committee Member

All material contained within this site is the sole property and copyright of the original authors and the Hallamshire Ski Club. Hallamshire Ski Club have not knowingly infringed any rights.
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